Sadaksari Boddhisattva  a white, translucent body that radiates five coloured lights.  He has a smiling expression and gazes upon us with compassionate eyes. He has four hands,  the principal hands are raised to the chest with palms joined in samputanjali or namaskara mudra,  the gesture of prayer or greeting and hold a wish fulfilling gem.   The upper right hand is in vitarka mudra or the gesture of reasoning and explanation,  holding a rosary,  while the corresponding left hand holds a lotus flower. He is adorned with silks and jeweled ornaments and wears an upper garment of an antelope skin.

"The six syllables of Avalokiteshvara’s mantra—Om Mani Padme Hung—are a manifestation of Avalokiteshvara himself. Whenever anyone, even an ignorant wild animal, sees these six syllables or hears the sound of the mantra, the seed of liberation is shown in his or her being and he or she is protected from rebirth in the lower realms of existence."
Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

A deer shows innocence with out the feelings of revenge, the heart of the deer is pure as water and gems represent the teachings of nature. It’s hard to understand but it has a real value.The rosary represents concentration of mind and lotus flower represents the purity of his heart.

This oil painting is made by Artist Saziv  Shakya.


Sanam Shakya, M.A. in Applied Buddhism, Lumbini University.

Managing Director, The Spiritual Arts

Whatsapp No.: +977-9803214009


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