Arya Tara is the understanding of all events as a single knowledge. The green colour of her body is power in all functions. Her right hand in the gift bestowing gesture is the completion of the perfection of charity, her left hand in the protection gesture is the guarding of all beings from all kind of troubles. She holding the lotus flower is also the giving of joys to all beings.Her being sixteen years of age is the ability to accomplish the aims of all beings. Her adornment with all ornaments is the completion of the stocks of merit, compassion and wisdom (insight).In this art, Saziv tries to make Green Tara  and birds appearing from the frame. It was the very first oil painting he creates with metal jewelry in 2008.

This painting was made by Artist Saziv Shakya on 2008 AD.


Sanam Shakya, M.A. in Applied Buddhism, Lumbini University.

Managing Director, The Spiritual Arts

Whatsapp No.: +977-9803214009


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