The eminent artist Saziv Shakya has perfected the style of blending the traditional paubha with the elements of metal-carving. He plans to introduce the very original 8D paintings, the work of art that is intended to cater to other human senses besides the visuals.

Sapta Lochana Tara (White Tara)
Jul 17, 2019

Sapta Lochana Tara (White Tara)

By: Artist Saziv Shakya

The Sapta Lochana Tara is enlightened being appearing in the form of young goddess.

Vidhyadhari Devi (Akash Yogini)
Jul 17, 2019

Vidhyadhari Devi (Akash Yogini)

By: Artist Saziv Shakya and Rusha Bajracharya Shakya

Vidyadhari Devi is also known as Akash Yogini. She is regarded as one of the main yogini among four yoginis in Kathmandu valley. On this painting, Akash Yogini is flying in the air. She is described as flying in the air with her left leg extended upward a

Sadasheri Boddhisattva
Jul 16, 2019

Sadasheri Boddhisattva

By: Artist Saziv Shakya

Sadaksari Boddhisattva has a white, translucent body that radiates five coloured lights. He has a smiling expression and gazes upon us with compassionate eyes.

Arya Tara (Green Tara)
Jun 28, 2019

Arya Tara (Green Tara)

By: Artist Saziv Shakya

The single face, chief lady is the understanding of all events as a single knowledge. The green colour of her body is power in all functions.