Name of the Artwork: Padmapani Boddhisattva

Artist Name: Saziv Shakya

Year of the Creation: 2014

Medium: Oil Colour, Silver Jewelries and precious stones


One of the famous black and white Padmapani Boddhisattva (Lokeshwor) can easily find out at Hanuman Dhoka Museum, Kathmandu Durbar Square. It was in the private collection of Late King Tribhuwan. It was so beautifully painted by Late senior artist, named, Anandamuni Shakya. It was also printed on the book called “Sacred Art of Nepal” published by Nepal Handicraft  Association and the author of this book was Late Min Bahadur Shakya.

This Boddhisattva painting is created with mono colours. When Saziv was having training of painting at Aksheshwora Mahavihar. He had a plan to paint this painting in his own style. He was very much impressed with this Padmapani Lokeshwor of Anandamuni Shakya. Finally, with deep influence of this painting, he started this painting. It includes silver jewelries and precious stone. It was started around 2009 AD and roll it for a few years. Then he started it again with his student Sworup. Finally, this was made on 2014 and sold it to Thanka House. It was displayed on exhibition organized by Nepal Art Council at Babarmahal. This painting was one of the most liked paintings at the exhibition. So it was covered by famous daily newspaper, Kantipur. And Right now this painting is collected by very famous nun and singer Venerable Ani Choying Dolma.



    Sanam Shakya, M.A. in Applied Buddhism, Lumbini University.

    Managing Director, The Spiritual Arts

    Whatsapp No.: +977-9803214009


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